Ok folks... BIG problem... LCD screen backlight is dead

From: Andrew Prince <freddyboomboom_at_comcast.net>
Date: Tue Feb 10 18:21:35 2004

On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 17:47, Lyos Norezel wrote:
> Hey ya'll... I have a MAJOR problem here. My laptop (PII, 512MB's ram, 4.1GB HD)
> has an LCD screen in which the backlight has died. No warning just died ten
> minutes into a computer session. Tried restarting, tried taking it apart,
> jimmiing switches, etc... took it down to it's bare components and reassembled...
> NADA... nothing works. Any ideas? can the backlight be replaced? Could a replacement
> backlight be jerryrigged into place? Really need this laptop... I use it everyday...
> but can't afford a replacement LCD. Any advice? Ideas? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Lyos Gemini Norezel
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Depending on the make and model, some laptops have what's called an
"inverter board" that supplies the necessary voltage and current to run
the LCD panel itself.

If the inverter board goes out, the display is VERY dim, in fact you
have to look really closely do discern any video at all. If this is your
situation, then the inverter boards are usually pretty cheap, compared
to the LCD panel itself.

If the display is readable from a normal distance, but very dark, then
yes, the backlight is out, and you either need to pull another of the
same make and model of LCD panel apart to get the tube out, or replace
the entire LCD panel.

If either of those are prohibitively expensive for you, and you don't
mind Dell's... Visit www.dellauction.com or www.dfsdirectsales.com for
some lesser expensive alternatives to a brand new laptop.

Received on Tue Feb 10 2004 - 18:21:35 GMT

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