Got a DEC 2000 Alpha server, need help

From: Huw Davies <>
Date: Thu Feb 12 04:26:04 2004

On 12 Feb 2004, at 05:13, Antonio Carlini wrote:

> I think the LMF stuff came about for a few reasons
> that all coincided. The MicroVAX stuff meant smaller
> departments would begin to buy machines and they would
> be quite likely to be stuffed into a corner and not
> managed much (if at all). The advent of the CDROM
> for distribution meant that there was a need to
> find a way to stop someone "accidentally" installing
> everything under the Sun and then claiming that
> they'd forgotten it was there and noone ever used
> it anyway. As a security mechanism, LMF is pretty
> poor. As a way of forcing you to go out of your
> way to break the law in a way that it is hard to
> later acknowledge your actions, it is pretty good!

LMF is the Licence Management Facility not the Licence Enforcement

It was designed to allow customers to manage their licences but as you
out, if you "accidentally" installed licences you weren't entitled to,
could have used the LMF to point out the errors of your ways.

LMF is reasonably easy to circumvent but I'm not going to suggest
that you do, or help you do it.

Huw Davies | e-mail:
Melbourne | "If soccer was meant to be played in the
Australia | air, the sky would be painted green"
Received on Thu Feb 12 2004 - 04:26:04 GMT

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