> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org
> [mailto:cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Zane H. Healy
> Sent: 12 February 2004 18:37
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> Subject: RE: Hobbyist VMS (was: Got a DEC 2000 Alpha server,
> need help)
> >But if you only want hobbyist VMS you go here:
> >
> >https://secure2.sba.com/encompass/memberApp/associate.cfm
> >
> >Which is free, gratis and for nothing.
> What on earth do you put in for the "Associate ID"? I really
> should sign up, I've been using my expired DECUS ID to get licenses.
Anything you like, the field just needs something in it. If I'd been
thinking ahead I could've used my expired DECUS ID .....don't they check for
that sort of thing? Like, oo here's a DECUS ID let's make sure they're still
a member?
Received on Thu Feb 12 2004 - 13:36:27 GMT