Patrick if you ever get bored with that gorgeous beast, just let me
know, and if anyone else has an 11/750 that they want to part with, I'm
looking and I've got a nice PDP-11/84 4U 19" rack mount system I'm
looking to sell or use as trading fodder... just needs a UBA board
(8191) and I've got an RK05 as well....
Patrick Finnegan wrote:
>I'm proud to present two new pieces that have been added to my web site
>First, after getting my VAX-11/750 just two days ago, I've now got a
>decent sized summary page from information I've found via various
>internet sites, and have a large collection of picture I've take of
>various parts of mine. Now I just have to con^Wget someone to give me
>a UNIBUS disk adaptor or reasonably small Massbus disk and maybe a
>DEUNA/DELUA, so I can try to get NetBSD and/or 4.xBSD up and running on
>it. For once, I've got a VAX that I don't really care to try to put
>VMS on. :)
>Second, after talking to one of the authors (whom I work for ;), I got
>permission to put the Mike Marsh and George Goble Dual-Processor VAX
>(11/780) paper online.
>Both are reachable from the front page of my web site:
>Or via these links:
Curt Vendel & Karl Morris
The Atari Museum
The Atari Explorer
Received on Thu Feb 12 2004 - 20:25:39 GMT