
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Fri Feb 13 16:07:32 2004

> > > > Hi was wondering if you know anyone that would be interested in two
> > > > working sol-20 one 16k and the other 64k with the helios 4 disk drive,
> > > > and two original moniters.

> > > Nobody here would be interested in that. The 4,000 messages you received
> > > after posting this are just people playing practical jokes on you.

> > LOL, GOOD ONE!!!

> It's true.
> I don't want one. But if you are having a hard time disposing of it,
> I'll take care of getting rid of it for you.

Neither do I, but I understand the frustration of having a machine you can't
get rid of, so I'll gladly do him the favour.

---------------------------------- personal: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA *
-- It's bad luck to be suspicious. -- Andrew W. Mathis ------------------------
Received on Fri Feb 13 2004 - 16:07:32 GMT

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