Jules' message about ugly wooden cases made me think about the Tangerine
Microtan 65 I had in the back of the car the last time we met. Top quality
case, designed to withstand being trampled by a herd of Wildebeeste I think.
Yes, that's an Apple ][ keyboard :) On top is the T.U.G ROMboard (1981), a
blinkenlights panel and an Eprom blower that are both connected to internal
serial ports on the TANEX expansion board. The machine came with the ASCII
keyboard and the original Tangerine Hex keypad and the case features RF,
power and keyboard connectors. Inside is the PSU, Microtan itself and the
TANEX on a 2 slot backplane.
Marvellous :)
Owner & Webmaster, Binary Dinosaurs
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - possibly the UK's biggest online computer museum
www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk - ex-monthly gothic shenanigans :o(
Received on Wed Feb 18 2004 - 12:49:56 GMT