I have a HP 9000/520 and I'm only 60 miles or so from Melbourne (Florida
that is!)
Eric has a webpage at <
http://www.ebbsoft.com/>. There's an E-mail link
for him on the first page.
At 09:58 PM 2/19/04 +1100, you wrote:
>I have found an email dated Sep 29, 2002 from Eric Bal using a Google
>I would like to contact Mr Ball. Can you assist?
>We operate a museum of old HP computers in Melbourne. The only "desktop"
>machine that we do not have between the period 1969 and 1991 is the 9020
>(or 9000/520). We would like to contact Mr Bal to discuss possible trade
>or purchase.
>Thank you for your assistance.
>Jon Johnston
Received on Thu Feb 19 2004 - 08:34:08 GMT