Hello Sellam,
A few weeks ago I found a HP ScanJet 4 with the ADF. I connected it to
my computer and Windows 98 detected it and installed MS drivers for it and
it worked fine (but I didn't try the ADF part). I then went to HP's site
and downloaded their drivers for the scanner and ADF and installed them.
After that I couldn't get it to scan worth a damm! Then found that I
couldn't remove the HP drivers and reinstall the MS one so I eventually
gave up and took it off the system. Since then I've found and installed a
Panasonic HiSpeed scanner (160 ppm!!). I LOVE the drivers for this one. The
only problem is that it has a sheet feeder and no flat bed so you HAVE to
run the pages through it. That's a problem with bound books and odd shaped
objects. (But I still have my old Umax scanner. I just have to find room to
set up both of them at the same time. The Panasonic is HUGE.) Oh, and the
Panasonic is only B/W and GreyScale.
I don't know what the problem was with the HP scanner drivers but the
scans came out very ragged looking and I could only save the files in a
TIFF format.
After I gave up on the HP, I set up a test computer with W 98 and
PhotoShop 6 to test the Panasonic printer. I suppose I should connect the
HP to it and experiment with it and see if I can get it to work properly.
At 08:35 PM 2/19/04 -0800, you wrote:
>I just got an HP ScanJet ADF.
>Does anyone have an opinion on this either way? Worth keeping or not up
>to the strict scanning standards of a Vintage Computer Collector?
>Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
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Received on Fri Feb 20 2004 - 07:29:32 GMT