"This old SGI" page - anyone have a copy?

From: Corda Albert J DLVA <CordaAJ_at_NSWC.NAVY.MIL>
Date: Fri Feb 20 15:42:47 2004

Since this is actually my page, I should probably see what's going on...
admittedly, I've kind of let it lapse for the past couple of years,
(things got really busy for a while...). When I first put this together,
it was the only reference out there of this type for SGI stuff (which is why
I did it.) Now, there seem to be a whole host of SGI specific sites, so
I never really saw the need to update it... the new sites seemed to be
handling the newer systems quite adequately.

The last time I logged into Geocities, it was an independent company...
I just tried it a few minutes ago and I don't seem to have an
account anymore... Also, it seems that Geocities is now owned by
by Yahoo...

Also, I haven't had anyone contact me about a problem with the hacked-up
SGI logo I used, but it could be because the email link on that page seems
to have gone the way of my geocities acount... vanished.

In the past, I have received requests (freely granted) requests by people
to mirror the site, so there should be some copies available... I need to
see if I can dig up my original, or download one of the mirrors so that I
can see about restoring and/or rehosting it somewhere.

I'll see if I can figure out what is going on, and let everyone know...


-----Original Message-----
From: ben franchuk [mailto:bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca]
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 10:48 AM
To: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: "This old SGI" page - anyone have a copy?

James Rice wrote:

> Sgi has been methodically shutting down all of the hobbyist websites
> that make any reference to Sgi or use any form of any Sgi logos. You
> would think that a corporation that has as many problems as Sgi would
> have better things to do.

Well can we get people to burn CD-roms of web sites with old
computer information least it be forgottion or distroyed as
web sites change and Server's crash?
Received on Fri Feb 20 2004 - 15:42:47 GMT

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