FCC IDs for Xerox DandeTigers ...?

From: Paul Koning <pkoning_at_equallogic.com>
Date: Tue Feb 24 09:21:22 2004

>>>>> "Bob" == Bob Bramwell <bob_at_copenhagen.cuug.ab.ca> writes:

 Bob> Oh great Gurus of Obscure Facts: Does anyone happen to have at
 Bob> their fingertips any FCC ID information about the Xerox 8000 or
 Bob> 1108 series hardware and the monitors that go with it? I am
 Bob> about to ship a couple of these babies to Tony Eros (member of
 Bob> this list) and I may need this info to get the customs people to
 Bob> let them through.

When were those built? If it was before the early 1980s, there wasn't
any such thing as an FCC ID. If one was assigned it should be on one
of the stickers on the box, near the model and serial numbers.

If it's newer than that, you might be able to extract it from an FCC
database that supposedly exists on-line with this stuff in it, but I
know no details about that.

Why would customs care?

Received on Tue Feb 24 2004 - 09:21:22 GMT

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