On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Fred Cisin wrote:
> > > scrap the entire serial port copncept; hook up a zip drive, and xcopy the
> > > bernoulli to a zip disk?
> On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
> > I wish. But again, I'm forced to use DOS 3.30, and I'm going under the
> > assumption that anything I try that is "exotic" will cause me more trouble
> > than it's worth.
> yeah
> run DOS 3.30 on a stock AT. Install Bernoulli and
> ZIP100 (parallel port, using GUEST.EXE)
> Use XCOPY (available 3.20 on)
Sorry. I'm starting to realize my temporal sense of PC hardware and
software is not all that accurate. I made several assumptions regarding
the use of "modern" hardware on "ancient" PCs (my idea of DOS 3.30 is
something that is too old to support Microsoft's TCP/IP drivers or ZIP
drives and whatnot) and realize now I am ignorant.
Oh well, when I have time to experiment with this stuff then I will, but
for now there's work to be done ;)
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
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Received on Thu Feb 26 2004 - 00:51:59 GMT