> > I once had the (mis)fortune to use a machine with a Seagate 2G
> > Barracuda in it. I will cheerfully swap you my entire stock of those
> > drives for otherwise equivalent _quiet_ drives of half the capacity.
> Curious. Were there earlier and later models of those capacity drives?
I had, for a brief period, a Seagate Barracuda half-height 4GB drive in my
Power Mac 7300. The drive sounded as if it were going into orbit every time
it started up, and reduced my apartment heating bill by 50%. Naturally, it
overheated within the 7300 in mere months, despite heroic efforts to jury
rig better ventilation.
I also have 2GB and 18GB Barracuda third-heights, and they aren't all that
loud. I think it's just the half-heights that were amazingly noisy.
---------------------------------- personal: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA * ckaiser_at_floodgap.com
-- CONJUGATION OF THE HULKING ENTOMOLOGIST: I big / I bag / I have bug --------
Received on Wed Jan 07 2004 - 07:19:43 GMT