"Nick Oliviero" <oliv555_at_arrl.net> said:
> >> >I used to ride a motorcycle though, still got 3 engines, 2
> >>gearboxes
> >> >and a frame etc. somewhere - Ariel single-cylinder if anyone's
> >> >wants to know.
> >>
> >> An Ariel???? How old is that thing? I haven't heard of an Ariel
> >>in AT
> >> LEAST 30 years.
> >
> Didn't know they built a single,
Ariel made their name with singles before WW2 - the late '30s Red Hunter
was a fine bike in it's day, considered very sporty, with an after-market
Hartley cam and a 1 3/16 TT carb fitted it was a genuine 100mph machine.
Post war models were heavier and slower but still very pleasant and
reliable bikes - and not *too* inclined to spew their oil all over the
place :-)
Stan Barr stanb_at_dial.pipex.com
The future was never like this!
Received on Thu Jan 08 2004 - 14:20:16 GMT