Yet another follow-up:
Another relevant aspect of my search is any device that would go into a
low-power (or sleep) mode and then activate upon receiving data over a
network link. So for example, a printer with a print server that sits
on a network and stays in an energy saving or low power mode when it's not
doing anything but then fires up to print a document when it gets a
request. Something like that. I would need documentation explicitly
describing this sort of action. I would imagine there is something
relevant with network cards that have some sort of power-on feature when
network activity is sensed.
This would have to be prior to 1994.
Solid leads that I can use will be rewarded appropriately.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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Received on Fri Jan 09 2004 - 20:22:51 GMT