RA81 spin-up probs

From: Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk>
Date: Sat Jan 10 16:00:58 2004

> Just been playing with some real DEC hardware today and trying to coax
> some life out of a pair of RA81 drives.
> Both drives are exhibiting the same fault - as soon as the RUN button is
> hit they seem to try and spin up for a second or two before the spindle
> motor disengages and the red FAULT light comes on.
> I'm not back at the site where these are until next weekend now, but is
> this a common fault that might mean there are a few obvious things I
> should check first?
> One drive was supposedly working when decomissioned at the site where it
> ran; the other one was definitely running on the site I was at today the
> last time it was powered up a short while ago. Curious that both of them
> are showing the same fault.

One quick question. Was the positioner locked before you moved the
drives, and have you unlocked it? There's a white lever on top of the HDA
at the front (in front of the R/W PCB). If you moved the drive without
locking it, you may well now be looking for a new HDA :-(

Received on Sat Jan 10 2004 - 16:00:58 GMT

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