On Jan 12, 21:22, nbreeden2_at_comcast.net wrote:
> I'm looking for any hints or advice on repairing a broken RL02
drive. I have two drives, one is working, the other indicates a fault.
> The unit with the fault lights the fault light as soon as it's
powered up, it goes through it's normal power up cycle (runs the
spindle at low speed) and seems normal beyond the fault.
> All power supply voltages are normal.
> I've swapped the 'easy' to swap parts with my working unit however
the fault persists (swapped the logic board that lives on the top/back
cover, the servo board and the unit select buttons). Before I tear
deeper into it I was hoping someone might have some hints or experience
that will help me.
It could be lots of things. I had one like that, it turned out to be a
fault on the AC servo board IIRC. I suggest you download the RL01/02
Pocket Service Guide from David Gesswein's site at
http://www.pdp8.net/query_docs/query_all.html -- it's fairly small and
has a lot of useful stuff in it. It's all I had when I had to repair
and realign my three drives (though I did have an original DEC printed
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Mon Jan 12 2004 - 19:37:55 GMT