A simple google search turned up:
Note that the website is long gone, but archive.org has it cached away :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Uban
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Sent: 1/13/04 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for a parallel keyboard
At 04:32 PM 1/13/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Dwight K. Elvey wrote:
>>Does anyone have a parallel out keyboard that they
>>would like to sell to me?
>Does this mean there might be a small market for a PS/2 to parallel
>keyboard converter? I can envision two modes, output only, where ASCII
>data and strobe are provided when a key is pressed, and an I/O mode, so
>that keyboard commands can be clocked back in.
>Multi-key sequences (like F1, etc) would be converted to VT100 keyboard
>sequences. Perhaps a few others terminal types would be supported,
>as the TVI950.
>Information like Shift would affect the keycode, but would not be
>along (well, I guess we could, with a mode switch. But normally not.
>It'd just look like the keyboard data stream from a serial terminal).
> --jc
Yes, that would be great! It would be excellent if it were small, had
a PS/2 connector and a 26pin ribbon header with the following pinout
to mate with my BigBoard's keyboard connector. Of course it should emit
the equivalent of the AY5-1015 (if I recall correctly) parallel keyboard
chip as well...
1 - KB0
3 - KB1
5 - KB2
7 - KB3
9 - KB4
11 - KB5
13 - KB6
15 - KB7
17 - !KBSTB
19,20 - +12
22,23 - -12
25,26 - +5
2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 - Gnd
Waiting in anticipation!
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Received on Tue Jan 13 2004 - 16:18:49 GMT