Young generation of ClassicCmp (was Re: Emulators of Classic Computers)
Fred N. van Kempen <> wrote:
> You're assuming he or she WANTS to know about "that stuff". My
> son is now just over 1.5 years old... I'll await his reaction
> to me talking about tech stuff...
Well, with proper input from BOTH parents it would be a lot easier to raise
him/her right. My gf is a witch (1st degree priestess, working on 2nd degree)
and will also have a lot of "unusual" stuff to teach to our future children.
They will be really fortunate to have a two-parent thoroughly pagan family. The
way pagans raise their children is VERY different from the common American
Judeo-Xtian way. A few months ago the Coast to Coast AM radio talk show
featured two girls who were reading ancient Sanskrit and seriously getting into
its teachings at ages 2 and 4.
P.S. Anyone here a regular Coast to Coast listener? You may have heard me on
the air, as I have called in a few times. Hoping to be a C2C guest some day.
Received on Thu Jan 15 2004 - 16:34:40 GMT
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