Emulators of Classic Computers

From: ben franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Tue Jan 20 14:44:52 2004

Holger Veit wrote:
> Tssss. Not to discourage you, but a TTL computer with bazillions of ICs
> is not really suited for newbies, although there is plenty to learn -
> namely on those nasty aspects like circuit timing, delays, glitches,
> noise on power and signal lines. TTL is to a large degree analog, not digital,
> circuit development ;-)

So are TUBE computers better?

> You might not directly want to start with a monster like Computer 74 or
> EGO, but perhaps with a simple ALU/register device: get a 2901 circuit
> from BG-Micro and play a bit with it (a breadboard with lots of switches
> and LEDs is sufficient). And then extend it with a 2909/-10/-11 from the same
> source and build the micro control for that toy. This is already the
> basic step towards an own homegrown system.

Using LS TTL ( also from BG-MICRO ) I expect I'll need about 32 chips
for a 12 bit ALU and 32 chips for basic control. I suspect about the
same for front panel logic. Since I don't have a PROM or PAL burner
a bit slice design out of the question for me.
Received on Tue Jan 20 2004 - 14:44:52 GMT

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