Emulators of Classic Computers

From: William Donzelli <aw288_at_osfn.org>
Date: Tue Jan 20 17:50:51 2004

> SOrry, I misspoke, by 'repair' I meant 'replace'. Though my father had
> an 01 (not 01A) tube with I swear an RCA base and a Westinghouse
> envelope (seal on top of tube) or converse. I lost it as a kid (ouch).

This is because Westinghouse made many (most, I think) of RCAs 201s. GE
made them as well.
> Prototype development I'd say.

Have you obtained all of the tubes you need? I noticed on your websight
you mention using "Red Series" tubes. As you probably figured out, those
(RCA Red Line or Bendix Red Bank) are pretty expensive.

William Donzelli

Received on Tue Jan 20 2004 - 17:50:51 GMT

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