Digital 'Hierach Storage Contrller' HSC70 - What is it?

From: Paul Thompson <>
Date: Tue Jan 20 20:01:30 2004

It is interfaces dual port DEC SDI disks or tapes to multiple vaxen in a
CI vaxcluster. (How's that for jargon?)

It conatins a PDP J11 cpu, runs the CRONIC os. speaks MSCP...

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, JP Hindin wrote:

> There's one of these puppies on eBay right now, I spotted it in my
> wanderings, and out of curiousity I went to look it up on Google - and
> didn't find much at all to explain WHAT the thing actually is.
> I find "Hierach Storage Controller" and something about it being a "Mass
> storage controller" - but not much more. It's a hell of a best for being
> an overblown HBA... What is it really?
> Whats this about a hierachy? :P
> Thanks folks;
> The ever curious JP

Received on Tue Jan 20 2004 - 20:01:30 GMT

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