He can most likely test it out by jumpering it into
an oscilliscope. Most use electrostatic deflection.
>From: "melamy_at_earthlink.net" <melamy_at_earthlink.net>
>forgive any inaccuracies to those who may know better (or can remember
>what you will be interested in finding out is the deflection per inch
>voltage required for the beam deflection. I seem to remember ranges of
>10-50 volts per inch. You will need to know the filament voltage of course
>and its amperage. What I don't recall is what the necessary acceleration
>element voltages were. The grid was used to control the beam brightness
>with a greater negative voltage with regards to the other elements dimming
>the beam (I think). The electrostatic plates should have the beam in center
>with zero volts and then deflection is accomplished by positive and
>negative voltages. If you can not find precise data then you can find the
>full deflection voltage by experiment once you have a center beam. I
>suspect that the long tube should give you a more sensitive tube in that
>the deflection voltage may be on the low end of the range.
>best regards, Steve Thatcher
>Original Message:
>From: Tom Uban uban_at_ubanproductions.com
>Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:50:46 -0600
>To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
>Subject: Advice on electrostatic deflection CRT ?
>I have what I believe is a custom CRT. It has a 12" round face, is
>approximately 20" long, and uses electrostatic deflection. It was
>manufactured by Thomas Electronics Inc. in Wayne NJ and is hand
>marked as model number 12E35P31, 12-2-78.
>I am hoping to put this CRT into service and need to come up with a
>set of specifications which will likely work with it. What other
>physical information do I need to take from the CRT in order to
>help determine the specifications?
>Any suggestions for creating the power supply and deflection drive
>electronics are welcome.
>mail2web - Check your email from the web at
>http://mail2web.com/ .
Received on Wed Jan 21 2004 - 14:09:11 GMT