wow! just got a IBM PC Luggable! More info?!

From: Tony Duell <>
Date: Wed Jan 21 15:29:39 2004

> the museum was just given a nice IBM PC that is a luggable... sort of =

Is this the 5155 PortablePC?

> like a compact!
> have not seen many of these... are they scarce? would like to find any =

I have one, but I don't think they're all that common. I also have the
appropriate TechRefs.

It's really a re-boxed PC/XT. It's got the PC/XT motherboard (anf yes,
you can do the 640K mod), PC floppy controller (linked to 2 half-height
360K drives) and CGA video card (linked to a monochrome composite monitor
using one of the internal header connectors). The monitor seems to be a
Zenith chassis.

Received on Wed Jan 21 2004 - 15:29:39 GMT

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