In message <>, Patrick Finnegan writes:
>Tom Uban declared on Wednesday 21 January 2004 07:15 pm:
>> I have a real keyboard to fill the hole. I am going to have to create
>> some new electronics as much has been stripped, but what a cool
>> project!
>Hah, I know where you got that from... I saw it there just a week or two
>ago. I'm glad that it went to a good home... I did't have anywhere
>near enough space to put it.
Whoa! Are you saying that the console for the 6000 series
machine that PUCC had is just now leaving campus? I remember
when they decomissioned those machines around '89 or '90.
In fact, I snagged a couple of manuals that were sitting in
the hallway afterwards.
By the way, do they still have those 205s and that ETA-10
they had way back? I've got to figure they got rid of them
a while back, but you never know.
Brian L. Stuart
Received on Wed Jan 21 2004 - 22:30:00 GMT