Corvus Omninet and Apple IIe - need docs

From: Harve <>
Date: Thu Jan 22 13:40:34 2004

I have ten Apple IIe's, a Corvus full of MECC and other software. I have a 4 drawer file cabinet full of Apple eucational software, and *lots* of extra Omninet Apple transporter cards, cables, and trunk adapters.

Everythings works just fine.

But..... I have no documentation for the Corvus hardware or software.

The hardware specs are:

Corvus model 74MB7 Rev C SN 398-GN9230-P

The Apple cards "Corvus Systems Transporter 8010-10969 rev E"

The adapters "Corvus Systems trunk adapters A 8010-12393 01"

The cables are marked "OCS II TU 6010-078681-01 low voltage computer cable"
The software is "Corvus Systems Constellation III V3.0"

I need *both* the software and the hardware docs. Of course, I would certainly be glad to find either one!

Any help locating these manuals, as well as any helpful hints, would be much appreciated.

Many tks!!


Harve Thorn
Fayetteville, AR

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Received on Thu Jan 22 2004 - 13:40:34 GMT

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