Estimated Price Of A "Classic" PDP-8?

From: O. Sharp <>
Date: Mon Jan 26 03:33:58 2004

Jim Davis asks:

> $3000 for an "8/S"?!?!, you have to be kidding? Did it include a lot of
> equipment?

If that's the auction I remember from about six months ago, that 8/S was
an anomaly - it didn't have any peripherals attached, but it was well
kept up, and it was listed as having... <drum roll> ...serial number 0.

The listing suggested it might have been a prototype 8/s. I don't know
whether there's any truth in that, but since at least two people were
willing to bid the price up over $3,000 it _may_ be possible.

Amazing fact? Urban legend? You be the judge! :)

Received on Mon Jan 26 2004 - 03:33:58 GMT

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