Upon the date 01:49 AM 1/26/04 -0800, Lyos Norezel said something like:
>William Maddox <wmaddox_at_pacbell.net> wrote:
>Huh? Did I miss something? We're talking about a power supply here, right?
>A power supply should provide the specified voltage. The power supply must
>be rated at *at least* the current (Amps) or power (Watts) drawn by the
>load, but an excess here does not hurt. Some power supplies require a
>minimum load in order to operate correctly, that is not likely to be an
>issue here. You will fry a power supply if you pull too much current from
>it. You cannot *provide* too much current to the load -- it draws what it
>wants to. You *can* provide too much voltage.
>Wrong... I'll give you an example which ANYONE and EVERYONE working with
>electricity should know, and if they don't they SHOULD NOT work on
>anything even remotely related to electricity until they do know it.
>You know that it's the current of the electricity is what will kill you
>right? You could have thousands of volts running through your body and
>still live. How is this possible, you might ask? Well if the the current
>(power) is below .5 mA then it should not cause a problem. Ask any
>electricity teacher "At what point will electricity kill a human being?"
>and their response will be something along the lines of "Anything at or
>above .5 mA will (more than likely) kill a human being." Of course there
>have been cases that said otherwise but this is the majority case. Same
>thing applies to delicate electronics... apply more amps then it's rated
>to handle and it's fried. Just last week I fried a 2.4GHz wireless phone
>by applying a power supply that had exactly the rated voltge but was 1A
>instead of the required 800mA. I smelled smoke not long after plugging it
>in. All this in a unit that worked properly with the right PSU just 2
>weeks before... the original PSU being lost.
> Need I sa!
> y any
> more?
No! Please!! :-/
>Current is everything... voltage is nothing.
>Lyos Gemini Norezel
>BTW- goto the nearest high school and ask the electricity teacher about
>this... see what he say... then compare it to what I said. Remarkably
>like, eh? LOL
I respectfully request you yourself visit your local electrical technology
teacher or an electrical engineer you know well and present your
interpretation of the effects of current supplied by a power supply upon a
device which you had presented to us in this thread. Stand back and watch
how s/he responds.
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Mon Jan 26 2004 - 12:24:54 GMT