At 08:22 PM 1/26/04 -0800, you wrote:
>Funny... I powered a very old typewriter with more than 50V over the
stated rating. The rating for the Amps matched EXACTLY
FYI. The Amp rating on most devices is misleading. It is the MAXIMUM
amperage that the device will draw (under heavy load, startup conditions,
temperature extremes, etc). Most devices don't draw anywhere near the
stated amperage under normal conditions. Yes, you can increase the voltage
and the current will increase but you're probably playing havoc with the
life of the device since the power (and heat) is going up as the SQUARE
(x^2) of the increase in voltage. If you're increasing the voltage 50% to
cause a 50% increase in current then you're more than doubling the amount
(225%) of energy into the device.
>and it ran like a dream until recently when some water got into the PSU,
BTW this is a WELL regulated unit... refusing to >be off by more than half
a volt. I did the same with a more recent device (a digital thermostat used
to control certain >devices in my bedroom)... and recently that device
fried when I had to get a new PSU. The power rating was still 50V over
>rating and I got one that was just a little over the rated amps (I forgot
to check) and plugged it in... when I turned it >on all hell broke loose.
What do you have to say to that? *mumbles* buncha smartass know-it-alls...
why in my day... >*continues inane rambling*
>Lyos Gemini Norezel
>John Rollins <> wrote:
>Perhaps people need a DMM so they can check polarity, or maybe get
>glasses to read the markings?
>OMG, this is the funniest thread I've read in a while.
>True story: My sister last year was trying to plug in a computer
>modem after moving some things around. I think the input is 9V DC,
>well she grabbed the cord from the HP inkjet that happened to be the
>same size, but pumps out *24V*! All of a sudden we hear screaming and
>she comes running down the stairs screaming "THE MODEM IS
>SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Now THAT is funny. Don't ask me how, but
>she didn't fry the modem(not totally anyhow, it still powers up OK).
>John Rollins | KD7BCY |
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Received on Tue Jan 27 2004 - 19:23:33 GMT