Well, I posted this on comp.os.vms and got no response
so I repost it here. Hope it is not against certain
I plan to exchange with a pair of KDA50 cards (one
M7165 and one M7164). Each side pays shipping by
himself. Details:
I ship you a pair of KDA50 cards, with two card
You ship me a pair of M9404, M9505 with the attached
card covers.
People on the list, please let me know whether it is a
fair exchange. If not, I am willing to exchange for
the M9404 only. Yes, there is a M9405 on ebay now, but
what I really need is the M9404. Thank you.
Btw, I changed my name to vax,3900 in mail.yahoo.com 3
days ago, but still my old (fake) name is shown in
every email I send out.
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Received on Thu Jan 29 2004 - 13:13:20 GMT