Strange Keyboard

From: Lyos Norezel <>
Date: Tue Mar 9 02:22:32 2004

Hey ya'll... please take a look at these three pictures:
The first two show the keys, the third shows one of two connectors that it apparently interfaces the computer with. The two "plugs" are 8pin jacks... like cat5 but in a wider, more spread out form. The most noteable things about this keyboard are as follows:
Interesting Keys:
     Over Type
     Code (instead of ctrl)
     shift + 6 would give you the "cent" or "penny" sign (a "c" with a line though it)
     F1, F2, F3, F8, F9, F10 all have lights
     Return instead of Enter
     1/4 1/2 fraction key... 1/4 is on top... key is next to "P"
Number pad:
Arrow Pad:
Anyone know system this keyboard is from? The only markings are from the company "Datapoint Corporation" "Model No. 93-1222-001" "Serial No. 978870"
It's UL and CSA certified. Other then this there are absolutely no markings.
Lyos Gemini Norezel

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Received on Tue Mar 09 2004 - 02:22:32 GMT

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