purchasing new 9-track tapes?

From: Paul Koning <pkoning_at_equallogic.com>
Date: Mon Mar 15 12:03:22 2004

>>>>> "John" == John Willis <willisj_at_atlantis.clogic-int.com> writes:

 John> 1/2" tape on reels is still the norm for bouncing tracks and
 John> final mixdown from a 2" reel to reel system in analog
 John> recording. I would search for some high quality audio type tape
 John> (rated for 30 inches per second) on a site like
 John> www.musiciansfriend.com or www.sweetwater.com

 John> I use BASF Gold in my studio, and computer room. Works very
 John> nicely.

(Analog) audio tape and digital data tapes always have been very
different. It's conceivable that audio tape would work for this, but
don't count on it.

Received on Mon Mar 15 2004 - 12:03:22 GMT

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