My favorite newspaper brought to me yesterday news of
a "freecycle" movement, both nationally and locally that
seems to match the goals of many listmembers. **
Lists free things that people don't want to see thrown.
Allows matching by locality, many cities/counties listed.
At first glance may be too dependant on yahoo groups.
Local to NY.
Free, Cheap, Available or Wanted all included.
Looks like a good start, anyway.
Perhaps the free listings on the VCM
( )
could be networked in to one or more of the above.
I am in awe of all three websites BTW.
John A.
re: the article
** current counters:
"Number of cities freecycling: 279
Number of people freecycling: 37,128"
Received on Wed Mar 17 2004 - 10:57:54 GMT