"Jay West" <jwest_at_classiccmp.org> said:
> I have a heath ET-34 microprocessor lab, 6809 based I think. I'd like to
> find the expansion unit for it, I think it's called ET-34A - the one that
> gives it BASIC and such.
I think you meant:
ET-3400 (6800) Original microprocessor trainer
ET-3400A (6808) Revised version
ETA-3400 Expansion unit
The 3400's are common on eBay and go for very little. The expansion
units are pure unobtanium and go for hundreds of dollars on the rare
occasions when one shows up. For me, the price is not justified. I plan on
hacking in some additional memory for mine someday. After all, there's a
breadboard socket right there on the unit! Should be possible to add the
BASIC as well, if someone will post the data.
BTW, there's a simulator at:
but I haven't tried it.
Paul Pennington
Augusta, Georgia
Received on Thu Mar 18 2004 - 15:31:57 GMT