256k x 4 Re: finding old RAM

From: Marvin Johnston <marvin_at_rain.org>
Date: Mon Mar 29 10:40:51 2004

There is an oil called Fusing Oil specifically designed for fusing
circuit boards (heating the tin-lead plating to a point where it alloys
to solder) that could be used. Another route is to use a heat gun on the
back side and use the "slam-bang" method of removing the chips. Having
used all three methods, I prefer the solder pot approach, but it is not
always available. My second choice is the slam-bang method :).

William Donzelli wrote:
> > Sounds like a process for an electric frying pan and peanut oil.
> I strongly diagree. Using oil (even olive, as peanut and vegtable oil is
> banned in my kitchen) is asking for a messy burn.
> Use what the "pros" use: solder and a solder pot.
> William Donzelli
> aw288_at_osfn.org
Received on Mon Mar 29 2004 - 10:40:51 BST

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