DEC RL01/02, RK05/06/07 Cartridge Inspector/Cleaner

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Wed May 5 16:32:41 2004

On May 5, 14:31, Tom Uban wrote:
> At 03:22 PM 5/5/2004 -0400, Ashley Carder wrote:
> >Does anyone here currently have a functioning RK05 drive?
> >Has anyone here ever brought one back from the dead?
> Yes, I have one which I brought back from the dead by replacing
> the foam, NiCd batteries, debugging the boards, etc.

I had two on an 11/40 that hadn't been used in between 10 and 15 years.
 They needed the dust and disintegrated foam vacuumed out, the NiCads
replaced, some replacement foam (some was draught sealing strip from
the hardware shop, some was foam sheet from an upholsery shop) and a
bit of TLC (soapy water and elbow grease for the casing, reseating the
boards, etc) but they worked fine. The packs also were fine; some had
been kept in ziploc covers, some not. The drives are now on an 11/34
which will probably end up running RSTS (the 11/40 used to run RT-11).

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Wed May 05 2004 - 16:32:41 BST

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