Mac keyboard tunnel software

From: chris <>
Date: Thu May 6 15:52:46 2004

>Do you
>think Timbuktu would lag on a GB ethernet setup?

I meant to put this on the other email... sorry.

I'm not sure where the lag is happening in Timbuktu. What I find isn't so
much a delay in things happening, so much as it is a delay in me seeing
it. If I click something that should beep, it beeps pretty much right
away... however, if there should also be a window pop open, I won't see
the window open until a good half second or more later.

And I don't notice that the lag is too much worse over a slower
connection (dialup and DSL). So it may just be the way Timbuktu deals
with sending the screen draws.

Also, it seems easy to get ahead of it. If you move the mouse too fast,
it won't show you where it has gone, and then it jumps. So you end up
moving slower so you can target correctly rather than constantly jumping
around the screen hoping to get the right spot. And you have to click
slower or it will accept it as a double click or ignore additional clicks.

None of it is that far off. Maybe by half a second. But when you are
doing long, repetative things, those half seconds add up fast.

Since I can't say that I notice a huge difference in the lag when there
is a huge difference in bandwidth, then I tend to think the lag may be
elsewhere. Either in the remote machine's ability to processes
everything, or in Timbuktu's limit of displaying or sending/receiving the

Received on Thu May 06 2004 - 15:52:46 BST

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