Stiction (was: Atari TT030 install media)

From: Dave Dunfield <>
Date: Fri May 7 05:58:11 2004

>never mind - stiction it is... I got the bottom board off the drive and
>managed to free up the spindle by hand, it now seems to spin up properly
>by itself...

I have a little story about Stiction ... this is not "cyber legend", this
actually happened, and I was the one who did it!

Way back, sometime in the mid to late 80's, when this stuff was not cheap or
easy to come by, somebody gave me a dead Lapine "Titan" hard drive - I think
it was a 20meg drive. The drive just wouldn't spin up at all.

I tried the "shake and bake" technique, rotating it back and forth about the
spindle axis during power up etc. - no dice, the drive just would NOT spin

So, "this is trash --- lets look inside".

Popped the top off, and immediately discovered that the platters did not want
to turn. On closer inspection, I discovered that the head did not want to budge
from the platter surface, and came to the conclusion that the head was stuck
to the platter.

Memory is a bit dim on exactly what I did, however during my fooling around the
head eventually came lose, and I could spin the platter - there was a discolored
spot which had been under the head - it was slightly rough due to a bit of
surface corrosion or deposits.

I don't recall why, but "just for kicks", I took a fine cloth, polished the spot
on the platter (IIRC it was still discolored, but I removed the surface deposits).
Blew out the drive with a bit of air, and put the top back on, and installed it
in a machine to "see what would happen".

Not suprisingly the drive spun up right away. So, I low-level formatted the drive
and ran a test --- then I got a suprise --- NO ERRORS!

This was interesting "I wonder how long it will last", so I left it running surface
scans overnight --- in the morning --- NO ERRORS!

So I used it for "non critical" data - months went by and I never got a disk error.
Eventually I gave the machine to a company I worked for who used it as a lab/test
machine, and when I left the place a few years later, it was still going and to my
knowlege had never gotten an error.

"Clean room ... we don't need no steeenking clean room".

dave04a (at)    Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot)  Firmware development services & tools:
com             Vintage computing equipment collector.
Received on Fri May 07 2004 - 05:58:11 BST

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