On May 7, 13:17, John Lawson wrote:
> On Fri, 7 May 2004, Jay West wrote:
> > This has been discussed on this list a few times before... but I
just came
> > across a rather detailed article about the topic of longevity of
> > and CDRW media.
> Actually, if ya wanna go techno-retro - we found (MGM Studios /
> of Congress / Filmbond Archival Institute) that the most long-lived
> for this kind of work is optically encoded data on well-processed
> linear film of some kind. With proper encoding techniques, one can
> bit densities of more than a megabyte per inch - of standard 35MM
> sprocketed stock - of course an order of magnitude more using 70MM -
> even more if wider stock is used.
So our discussion a few weeks ago about film resolution was relevant
after all ;-)
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Fri May 07 2004 - 17:55:07 BST