DEC vt100 terminal stuff / parts available

From: Gerold Pauler <>
Date: Mon May 10 05:43:28 2004

Hi Jay,

got no answer off list, so I'm trying on list.

Just a couple of days after your message my vt100
broke with ROM 2 error. So it doesn't sucessfully
finish self test anymore.

Do you still have some vt100 parts?
Maybe the basic pcb?


Jay West wrote:
> Tony wrote...
>>Why don't you move one of the VT100's CRTs into the VT102 chassis? It'll
>>fit perfectly, there are no electrical mods either (AFAIK it is the same
>>type of CRT). The swap is not hard.
> That is exactly what I did, and why I have a vt102 without case, and an
> empty vt100 case :)
> Jay
Received on Mon May 10 2004 - 05:43:28 BST

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