Computer Estate

From: Bruce Lane <>
Date: Mon May 10 20:19:13 2004

Hi, Kathy,

        Suggest you contact Mark Dabek at RE-PC: (206) 575-8737.

        Good luck.

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On 10-May-04 at 12:10 wrote:

>Is there a company or private party in the Pacific Northwest that
>in liquidating computer estates? They date from the late 1970s to the mid
>1990s in various conditions.
>I really don't want to recycle them at scrap price if someone out there
>use them.
>I figured ebay is a good place for anything unopened, but all the rest is
>simply overwhelming.
>Help, suggestions, ideas and warnings are welcomed.

Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech do/t c=o=m
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with surreal ports?"
Received on Mon May 10 2004 - 20:19:13 BST

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