----- Original Message -----
From: "Zane H. Healy" <healyzh_at_aracnet.com>
To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: IDEA - Collector interest database
> > I've had this site up for more than a year now. It's kinda lame, I know,
> > it's an attempt anyway. The hard part is to keep emails current (and to
> > from getting pissed off at people who don't have the decency to thank
> > when you're making a change for them.)
> >
> > I've posted requests for additions to this list every now and then, and
> > thought of making changes but, honestly, there doesn't seem to be a
> > lot of interest.
> >
> > http://www.geocities.com/computercollectors/index.htm
> Two comments on the lack of interest. How many people are aware it
> and how many people are afriad of such a list making them a target?
> Zane
A target for what? Spam? Offers of free computers? Information and price
quotes? I get all of those but that's why I use hotmail/yahoo etc. except
for this list. Since 1995 I've answered every email I've received about
computers and pricing, where to find collectors and many offers of free
computers. I don't mind it one bit. Really don't know why anyone would be
afraid of being a target. I figure it's a service I am offering and my
reward is free computers ... lots of them.
As for people not knowing it exists, the fifth search result in Google for
'computer collectors list' is a reference from classiccomp.Gives the url and
complete info on how to get listed. You're right though, there should be
more mention of it. Don't know what else I can do except send my info to
Google every now and then plus mention it on here.
Hey, go for it. The more lists there are, the more valuable stuff is kept
out of the landfill. If there are a hundred lists, it'll be a lot easier for
folks to contact collectors. If you've got some better ideas on marketing
such a list, take the ball and run with it. I'll support anyone who does.
I think the key would be to have a searchable database online. Someone
collects X computers and someone who has one can instantly find them. I
think that was the gist of the original post. Best of luck to anyone who can
do this.
Received on Wed May 12 2004 - 19:40:21 BST