schrieb am 13.05.2004:
>From: "Ashley Carder" <>
>To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
>Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:51 PM
>Subject: IDEA - Collector interest database
>Has anyone on here ever thought about putting up a site that
>documents the collector interest or areas of specialty for the
>folks who visit here?
>If this sounds like a good idea, I'll create a site and host it.
>It could have things like a "wish list", "current inventory",
>"items for trade/sale", etc.
>I know some of this type of thing exists elsewhere, such as
>on Sellam's VCM site, but I haven't seen a place where I can
>go to find individuals who have specific computers, parts, wants,
>Other ideas and opinions are welcome. If this kind of thing
>already exists, just enlighten me as to where it is located.
I can point you to the following drectory of retro-computing collectors in
Germany. It's very simple but has all required data in one interface. sorry, its all german, but you'll get the
You will find the following data:
-Name, Email (spam-treated), Collection-focus
-Geographic position, (town + zip) handy to know who to ask if suddenly a
nice machine comes up at the other side of the country that must be
collected whitin xx days (or hours...)
-Current inventory (as far as one likes to publish it)
-Items for trade / sale, items sought after.
-Machines cross reference with some photoos
-Internal area, (passworded) there are e.g. phonenumbers and Ebay-aliasses
to avoid useless competition between collectors.
is another site, but I will never list myself there due to the open
presentation of the email-adresses, which just asks to be captured by
So if you want to setup something, go head! I think it's useful. However,
you may considder to seek some cooperation with one of the big vintage
sites. Starting completely from zero off a new domain is not easey afterall.
Have a nice day,
Die max. Eintauchzeit von Keksen in Kaffe berechnet man so:
t = ( 4L2 * h ) / ( D * g ) L: halbe Keksdicke
h: Viskosit?t der Fl?ssigkeit D: Keks-Porengr??e
g: Oberfl?chenspannung
Received on Thu May 20 2004 - 17:22:54 BST