Still looking for the Alpha Microsystems VideoTrax PC interface

From: Vintage Computer Festival <>
Date: Fri May 21 11:47:02 2004

I'm still seeking out the PC interface for the Alpha Microsystems
VideoTrax VHS tape drive. I've scored the drive (which is just a slightly
modded Panasonic VCR) but I still need the interface, which is the last
important piece of this puzzle I'm working on.

I have no idea what it would look like exactly. It probably has some
phono jacks on the back, and a one or two row header with anywhere from 4
to 8 pins. It probably is labeled "Alpha Microsystems".

If anyone's got such a beast then you will be my New Best Friend :)

Willing to pay good money.

Sellam Ismail                                        Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger      
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Received on Fri May 21 2004 - 11:47:02 BST

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