SSL with FTP has been actively used on one of my host's servers for over 4
years. He has a Linux server farm and I use WSFTP pro to upload/download
the files using SSL. He's been real paranoid about security since his
brilliant sister one day "accidentally" posted her password to one of the
servers in a chat. Obviously, for a few days until she told him, people
were slamming the server, trying to get in. Only damage was timeout from
too many connections at once, trying to get in.
-John Boffemmyer IV
At 04:39 AM 5/28/2004, you wrote:
>On Fri, 28 May 2004 00:36:42 +0100 (BST)
>Pete Turnbull <> wrote:
> > I recently had a discussion with our security advisor at work, about
> > FTP being replaced by HTTP and SCP.
> > For example, FTP understands the
> > difference between a unix-style "stream of bytes" file, and a
> > structured one such as might be found under VMS (or any of several
> > other OSs) -- and can deal with the difference.
>You are refering to "binary" versus "ascii" mode in ftp?
>http can do the same. It is possible to specify encodings, charsets, ...
>in the http headers. This way a http client is able to e.g. transcode
>charsets of textfiles during reception.
>scp allways copys files verbatim. (AFAIK)
>The problem may be that ftp uses a "strange" way to handle connections.
>You have one TCP stream for control and an other for data. Depending on
>active or passive ftp the data connection is opened from the server to
>the client or vice versa. (IIRC) If you have to admin a firewall for a
>ftp server this can be a nightmare and possibly result in weaker
>firewall rules. http uses only a TCP connection from the client to the
>server on port 80. So you can secure a http server quite good by "allow
>everything to server-IP port 80; allow everything from server-IP port
>80; deny everything else" (or "allow everything to server-IP port 80
>keep state; deny everything else") quite easyly.
>An other issue may be that ftp allways transferes clear text passwords.
>http does the same, but you can use https (http with SSL/TLS
>encryption). There is a SSL variant of ftp, but I know of no client or
>server that supports it. All http clients support https. You can do SSL
>client certificate based authentification with most https clients and
>servers as well...
> Jochen
Founder, Lead Writer, Tech Analyst
and Web Designer Boff-Net Technologies
Received on Fri May 28 2004 - 08:33:02 BST