Computer flooring/flooding/water in computer rooms

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Sat May 29 03:26:28 2004

On May 28, 12:57, McFadden, Mike wrote:
> Flooded computer room

We had a similar problem, thanks to our aircon, a year or so ago. Our
big aircon is one that has dehumidifies the air, then cools it, and
finally rehumidifies it if necessary so it's not too dry (which
encourages static buildup). Well, a valve jammed, and the rehumidifier
section filled up with water and overflowed. We ended up with an
inch-deep pool of water over about half the floor -- not as serious as
Mike's incident, but still a bit messy. And dirty. What alerted us to
it initially was the smell of dampness :-(

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Sat May 29 2004 - 03:26:28 BST

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