Brian Instruments BRIKON model 723 floppy drive tester/analyzer

From: kenn Jorgensen <>
Date: Sun May 30 18:09:06 2004

I finally got around to fixing a Brian Instruments BRIKON
model 723 floppy drive tester/analyzer I purchased (broken)
some time ago. It was a pretty easy problem in the power
supply (two shorted capacitors). It now powers up, lights
blink, and I don't know how to use it :-)

Inside the unit the EPROM stickers say "P723 Apple Dual
Analog 4/29/92", so I assume that means this puppy can
test Apple analog drives. Just for fun I tried plugging
in an old 5.24 inch IBM-PC drive, and after moving the
drive select (DS) jumper on the drive to "1", I can step
the head back and forth using buttons on the front of the
Brian. Ohh I'm a clever monkey!

There's a lot I don't know about floppy drives, and I don't
understand most of the info the unit presents on it's front
panel or display. What's "Radial Select" mean? Or "Binary
Select?" Or "Mux Control," for that matter? What does the
following pattern mean when displayed following completion
of a test cycle?

 | |

Looks like a seven, but there's an extra segment lit up!
BTW, the 723 reported that my old floppy drive failed the
test, which is quite possible. I was willing to sacrifice
that drive in the interests of my education. :-)

I would really like to get my hands on a manual for the
unit. My search in Google took me to this web site, where
someone way back in 2002 was looking for a BRIKON 723
with the analog/alignment attachment (option R). I don't
know if that's the same as the Apple Dual Analog feature
my 723 has. There's nothing on the back of my unit that
says "option R" has been installed. My unit has one "free"
slot inside. I guess that's for an option I don't have.

Could anyone out there provide me with a copy of the
owner's manual? Of course I'll pay for photocopy charges,
etc. Alternately, anyone out there interested in outlining
how to use this puppy?

Thanks so much,

Received on Sun May 30 2004 - 18:09:06 BST

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