That's what I thought. But wanted to make sure. The AUI port of the
IMSB300 is actually an IMSB431 which used a 5V transiever, so I am assuming
the transiver on the IMS300 needs to be 5V as well. Got to look for one as
most transievers are 12V....
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: A new transputer toy....
> cables etc. The links are differential, so I guess I can just connect
> this to a differential tram, right??
I would guess so. The differential links are just the result of feeding
normal links through 'RS422' bufferes (26LS31 transmitter, 26LS32
receiver). If you don't hve the official Inmos converter TRAM (which is
not really a TRAM as it doesn't contain a transputer IIRC), you can
easily wire up said chips. I've done it several times.
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Received on Wed Nov 03 2004 - 20:25:30 GMT
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