> All of this is fairly easy if you have full-version Adobe
> Acrobat. I'm not
> saying it's not time consuming, but it's far less difficult
> than many people
> (who have never used full-version Acrobat, but have only used
> the reader)
> would suspect.
Back in my previous job the scanner produced non-G4-TIFF-in PDF.
For my later scans I use to use Adobe (V5??) to extract
G4-TIFFs and then pull the pages back in.
The two issues were:
(1) you can only select so many pages to pull in in one go
(maybe 50 or so) and that gets a little wearing when
trying to stitch back a 400 page document.
(2) sometimes it would miss out a page - so I had to eyeball
everything afterwards (there was no obvious pattern to
the dropped page(s)).
With 4GB of data to verify, that may take some time!
> I MIGHT do it if I get access to the files. Downloading
> 1,000 jpegs will
> probably take a lot more time than consolidating them into a
> PDF file, which
> can then be fairly indexed.
A lot of the work can be automated. Converting the TIFFs to
G4-TIFF (if needed) and then producing a PDF can all be
done with ImageMagik and various other tools. But you need
to know where document A begins and ends, unless you fancy
going through large pdf documents, pulling out doc-A and
then doc-B and then doc-C ...
Antonio Carlini arcarlini_at_iee.org
Received on Fri Nov 12 2004 - 17:35:58 GMT