Norsk Data Nord-10/S restoration effort on the way!

From: John Lawson <>
Date: Sat Nov 13 00:45:28 2004

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004, Tore S Bekkedal wrote:

> a metric buttload

   Tore, that'll be one new keyboard for a Dell Latitude, and a thorough
cleaning of the LCD, plus the books on my desk and the wall behind them.

   I thought it would be safe to have a bit of sandwich and a Pepsi whilst
reading Classiccomp, but... NOOOOOO!!

   'Metric Buttload'!!!

   God, I'm STILL laughing.

   Okay, I'll clean up the Mess myself, but I'm stealing your phrase and
using it.

   So there.



PS: Good score!!
Received on Sat Nov 13 2004 - 00:45:28 GMT

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