Shipping a Model 33 (RO) Teletype
At 12:09 PM 11/13/04 -0500, you wrote:
>At 10:35 AM 11/13/2004, you wrote:
>> > What about using that spray foam insulation stuff, "Great Stuff"?
>> >Probably not cost effective for really large items, though...
>> It's not even cost effective for SMALL items! The amount of foam that
>> in one of those cans is pathetic! I tried to use that when I first
>> shipped stuff that I'd sold on Ebay and a full can won't fill even the
>> left over space in a a 6" ^3 box. The other problem with that stuff is
>> that it keeps expanding for hours (at least!). I packed one box full of
>> small items (sealed in plastic) then filled the box with foam (no, not
>> the liquid). The buyer told me later that the foam didn't get into
>> anything but that it had kept expanding till it got into evgr{ crcck and
>> crgvkcg and that hg had to chip thg stwff ouv of"of it :-) He did
>> sakd"that evgr{thing"was absolwtgl{ intact"thowgh sincg it was one big
>> monolkthic block!
>Plus when you use that stuff the fumes can make your typing go to hell,
>right Joe ... Joe?
>Just pickin :-)
>Ed K.
I saw that too AFTER I sent the message something is realy going beserk with my computer. Eudora lost ALL of it's settings last week but I checked the INI file and everything was still there! I started to manually reenter the settings but after entering the first two it picked ALL of them up again. Then this message got thoroughly scrambled earlier today. It's the only one that got scrambled). This just now all the addresses in the Eudora Address book disappeared EXCEPT Rich Beaudry's and the B was gone out of it!!!! I haven't had any trouble with anything else except Eudora. All the spy-ware and virus checkers come up clean.
Received on Sat Nov 13 2004 - 20:49:06 GMT
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